Miniature 5 string banjo, brass spittoon, churn lid, Fiesta ware, sugar bucket, old license plates, metal detectors, clocks, antique curling irons, antique St. Michael school desks, china cabinet, twin bed (clean), end tables, coffee table, dinette table, curio cabinet, chrome vintage bar table and stools, boxes of canning jars, mini fridge, shop vacs, coolers, fishing equipment, wheels and tires, heaters, filing cabinet, Weber camp grill, ladders, household items, washer/dryer, Frigidare range, treadmill, roasters, gas cans, ramps, air hockey table, old 00000ga horns, smoker, car jacks, weed eaters, sprayers, lattice, natural gas lines, 36" new base cabinet in box, doors
Circular saws, router, sawzaw, bench grinder, tool boxes, sand blaster, hand tools, broad ax, draw knives, shop tools, many antique hand tools